Terna: 1.5% grow in electricity consumption in Italy


In January 2022, according to data collected by Terna, electricity consumption in Italy rose by 1.5% compared to the same period last year (January 2021). This shows a less significant increase compared to December (+5.6%) and November 2021 (+3.8%). The electricity demand in Italy reached 27.5 billion kWh, with a strong growth in photovoltaic production (+40%).
These results were achieved with one more working day (20 vs 19) and with a similar average monthly temperature to January 2021. When adjusted for seasonal, calendar and temperature effects, the figure for electricity demand represents a +0.9% variation. According to data from Terna, the trend in January showed increases across Italy, with a +1% variation in the North, +1.5% in Central Italy and +2.5% in the South and on the islands. However, data for electricity demand – adjusted for seasonal, calendar and temperature effects – saw a decline of 1.8% compared to December 2021.
As the Group stated in a press release, renewable sources covered 30% of electricity demand. Specifically, photovoltaic production grew (+40%, mainly due to increased solar radiation), as did thermoelectric (+13.4%) and geothermal power production (+3%). There was decrease in hydroelectric (-34%) and wind power production (-2.8%). As for the import/export balance, in January 2022, 91% of electricity demand in Italy was met by national production and the remainder (9%) by the balance of electricity exchanged with foreign countries. Net domestic production amounted to 25 billion kWh.
The Group led by CEO Stefano Donnarumma also stated that, according to Terna’s IMCEI index, the industrial consumption of energy-intensive companies recorded a decrease of 1.8% (compared to January 2021). This reflects a slowdown in production in the steel, engineering and chemical sectors, while consumption in the transportation, construction materials and food sectors recorded a positive variation.

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