Interbrand is a company that has been the world’s leading brand consultancy for over 40 years, like every year has published the ranking of the best global brands of 2020 (available on the website The list mentions the 100 best brands that have achieved excellent performance this year, despite the consequences of the Coronavirus.
We find Apple (322.999 billion dollars), Amazon (200.667 billion dollars) and Microsoft (166.001 billion dollars) on the podium, Google instead has fallen into fourth place (165.444 billion dollars), followed by Samsung (62.289 billion dollars). For the first time social media and communications brands entered this important ranking: Instagram (19th with a value of 26.060 billion dollars), YouTube (30th with 17.328 billion dollars) and Zoom (in last position with 4.481 billion dollars).
The clothing industry noticed a decrease after shop closures during the pandemic: the value of Zara (35th with 14.862 billion dollars) and H&M (37th with 14.008 billion dollars) has fallen 13% and 14% respectively.
On the other hand the logistics sector is increasing, it played an important role during the lockdown: UPS (24th with 19.161 billion dollars), Fedex (75th with 7.367 billion dollars) and DHL (81st with 6.289 billion dollars).
The electronic payments increase, as a pandemic consequence, has also allowed PayPal (60th with 10.514 billion dollars), Visa (45th with 12.397 billion dollars) and Mastercard (57th with 11.055 billion dollars) to rise in ranking.
Manfredi Ricca, Interbrand’s Global Chief Strategy Officer, has said that “the current health and economic crisis will not be a momentary phase, but it marks the transition to a different world, dominated by new priorities, expectations, possibilities and responsibilities” adding that “each brand in order to be relevant must show a clear technological, social and environmental agenda, based on a deep understanding of people’s needs”.
According to Charles Trevail, Global CEO Interbrand, “leadership, engagement and relevance are three consistent themes we are seeing as brands try to navigate the rapidly changing business landscape” and “they are the keys to unlock results in the current crisis, building customer confidence and business resilience. By setting out powerful ambitions and pursuing them with courage and conscience, brands can help us lift our heads, make sense of chaos, and see beyond it, championing a new decade of possibility”.
In the top 100 we also find Italian brands as Gucci (32nd with 15.675 billion dollars), Ferrari (79th with 6.379 billion dollars) and Prada (99th with 4.495 billion dollars).
According to Lidi Grimaldi, Managing Director of the Interbrand’s Milan office, “Italian brands have demonstrated how clarity of vision, resilience and the ability to change have been fundamental to address the consequences of the pandemic in the premium areas in which they operate”, adding that ” their stories are interesting because the common denominator is the determination to pursue and enhance their DNA “.
The value of the best global brands of 2020 amounts to 2,336.491 billion dollars, an increase of 9% compared to the previous year.